LED Gym Lighting: The Definitive Guide

Lighting a gym appropriately is a task that you should not take lightly. The function of light in a gym goes beyond just illumination, as it enhances a place’s safety and aesthetics. You easily incorporate a premium look into the gym by installing an appropriate lighting solution. However, with so many options in the market, it gets confusing, and with adequate knowledge, one might make the right choice. 

So, this article has been together to discuss your options for lighting a gym and the factors you must consider before it. Let’s get straight to it.

What Exactly is LED Gym Lighting?

Look for options for gym lighting, and the market will offer you many options. One of them is LEDs, the most effective and practical option for lighting a gym. LEDs or Light Emitting Diode produce high-intensity light that is bright enough indoors and outdoors. Furthermore, they are the most cost-effective options, despite requiring a relatively high upfront investment.

On average, an LED consumes about 75% less energy than traditional bulbs and lasts significantly longer. Another benefit of LEDs is they convert most electric energy into light, making them the most secure fixtures. Since the heat generation is minimal, there is a low risk of fire-related accidents.

Purpose of Gym Lighting

Lighting in a gym affects various aspects, making it all the more important. Let’s look at the function differently to understand its purpose. 

1. Utility

Lighting in any space is the first and most essential purpose of improving utility. While it sounds simple, you cannot ensure adequate lighting without realizing that different areas within the same gym will have different requirements. For example, the workout rooms must be bright enough to make every equipment detail visible. Your goal should be to make it as bright as natural light.

That said, areas like lockers and shower areas do not need as bright light. Thus, such areas can be managed using lights with relatively low lumen output. You have to understand the purpose of different areas and light them accordingly.

2. Aesthetics and Vibe

Lights also play a vital role in defining the vibe of a place. It makes the place look attractive and encourages members to visit it frequently. If a gym has dull light, it would make the member feel rather bored and discourage them from visiting it again. As a gym owner, it is damaging to your business. You can prevent that by installing lighting that makes the place buzzing and exciting. You will have to understand different factors, which will be discussed later in the guide.

3. Cost-effectiveness

Lights draw a major portion of the power supplied to a gym. By installing a cost-effective solution in the gym, you can reduce the overhead cost of the business and increase profit generation. For example, if you use traditional incandescent bulbs, your energy bills will be about 75% more than the gyms that have almost the same areas as yours and use LEDs. Thus, a cost-effective solution will save significantly on overhead charges – amounts that can be used in other productive areas of the gym. You can hire professional trainers by the amount saved, which will drive more members toward your gym.

Types of Gym Lighting

The market offers a variety of options to serve the purpose we have just discussed. You need to understand the benefits and shortcomings of each fixture to make the right choice for your gym. Let’s look at them.

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1. Incandescent Bulbs

Incandescent Bulbs are the oldest light fixtures that are popular mainly because of their high prices. Such fixtures emit a yellowish light, and the brightness depends on the wattage required. The higher wattage, the brighter the light. That said, the energy consumed by these fixtures is higher than other solutions in the market. Furthermore, you will have to replace them frequently owing to their short lifespan.

2. LEDs

LEDs are the polar opposite of incandescent bulbs. They cost higher upfront but consume the least power and have longer life spans. LEDs might be just it if you look for the most practical solutions. Although you will have to invest more initially, you will quickly reach the breakeven point with the amount this will save you on energy bills. Furthermore, you would not have to replace them frequently. So, once you have installed LEDs, you can rest assured that you will not have to replace them every couple of months.

3. Fluorescent Lighting

Fluorescent lights strike a balance between LEDs and Incandescent bulbs. They use a low-pressure mercury-vapor-gas discharge to produce a light -a system that is more durable than incandescent bulbs. However, they are not as energy-efficient as LED lights. Fluorescent lights are popular mainly because they also offer a balance in terms of price. The price of these fixtures is lower than LEDs, and the durability and overall performance are better than incandescent bulbs. The CFL might be your ideal solution if you are looking for a balanced solution without breaking the bank.

More information, you can check out the below articles:
Halogen vs. LED Bulbs: How To Choose?
LED Vs. High-Pressure Sodium/Low-Pressure Sodium

Benefits of LED Lights in Gym

Now that you understand different types of lights and their purposes, let’s look at the benefits of a good LED lighting system.

1. Premium Lighting

What makes LEDs ideal for lighting a gym is the fact that there is too much variety. You can get various types of lights with different sizes, shapes, color temperatures, and color rendering indices. It is important that each part of the gym receives light according to its requirements, and the LEDs help you ensure that. 

You can pick up a different set of lights for workouts, showers, lockers, and cardio areas of the gym. Furthermore, LED fixtures come in different designs ranging from lanterns to linear tubes. They allow you to be creative and design lighting in such a way that it drives more members toward your business.

2. No Glare

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One of the biggest benefits of LEDs is that they do not emit glare, which can be quite dangerous in the gym. You do not want a member to experience a glare while dead lighting. It will lead to nasty accidents. By installing LEDs, you virtually eliminate that risk. Furthermore, specialized anti-glare LEDs take it to a whole other level.

Since LEDs convert most electricity into light, they emit very low heat, which does not pose any threats. Hence, even if LEDs are installed in tight spaces, they would not threaten those moving around in those areas. 

3. Cost Effective

As discussed earlier, LEDs are energy-efficient, which means they consume the least amount of power. By using LEDs, you will cut down your energy expenses significantly. The amount saved in energy can be used to invest in productive areas, like buying new equipment or hiring more staff. Furthermore, the lower operational cost can also help you price the membership competitively and drive membership. Consequently, they will help you generate more profits.

4. Durability

While lighting a place, durability is often overlooked, but it is very important when lighting a gym. You cannot afford a fixture to malfunction while people are training in the gym. It builds a bad reputation, and if a big fixture breaks down in workout areas, it can pose safety-related risks. Plus, the hassle of changing light bulbs every couple of months can be annoying. LEDs help you in working around all of them by offering improved longevity. 

Decent LEDs can last more than a year, and good ones can last even more than that. So, once you have installed LEDs in your gym, you can rest assured that it will not need replacement anytime soon.

More information, you can read How Long Do LED Strip Lights Last?

5. Aesthetic Enhancement

Aesthetics are important in driving people toward your gym. You cannot expect people to be motivated if they come to train in a dull environment. A gym is a place where trainees want to feel good about themselves, and lighting plays an important part. Imagine someone training for hours, and as soon as one looks in the mirror, it shows nothing. How discouraging would that be? You can ensure that people remain motivated by creating a motivating vibe inside the gym, which can be achieved by installing a variety of LED fixtures.

Things To Know Before Lighting a Gym

As soon as you start looking for LEDs for your gym, you will come across several terms. You must understand what they mean to find a suitable solution for yourself. Let’s look at them and some other important elements that you need to consider before picking a fixture for the gym.

1. Color Temperature

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Color temperature determines the color emitted by a particular LED. It is measured on a kelvin scale that ranges from 1,000K to 10,000 K. Lights on the lower end of the spectrum emit warm light, producing a cozy vibe. Although it is inviting, it creates a cozy atmosphere which is not ideal for a gym. You would want people to be active in the gym, which can be achieved by moving beyond 4,000K on the Kelvin scale. At this temperature, LEDs will emit cool light that mimics natural light and make the members feel active.

That said, there are also some areas in the gym that will need lower color temperatures. For example, the locker room and showers do not require that high color temperature. Thus, you can go lower than 4,000K for those spaces.

2. Lumens

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Lumens determine the brightness of the light. Light with a higher lumen will produce more brightness and light up a large area, and vice versa. You must calculate a gym’s total lumens and then pick multiple fixtures to reach that sum. Typically, gyms require 20 lumens per square foot. You can calculate the total lumen requirements by multiplying the square feet of the gym by 20. Be mindful that it is the requirement of workout areas; you can use lower lumens in locker and shower rooms.

3. Sensors

Some areas of the gym must be lighted at all times, but others need the light occasionally. In the latter, you can save a decent amount of energy by getting smart lights with sensors. Such lights will automatically turn on and off based on requirements. Hence, you would not have to keep them on at all times. In addition to motion sensors, the smart lights also offer you fun remote controls. For example, you can change the color, temperature, and brightness with a tap on your phone or a dedicated remote control. With one light, you can create different vibes in the same place.

4. Designs of Fixtures

In addition to color temperatures and CRIs, the designs of LEDs can also vary. The different types of fixtures will emit light in different ways. For example, a spotlight will concentrate the beam and highlight a particular area. In contrast, a floodlight spreads the beam and highlights a larger area. Before getting them for the gym, you must look for the type of fixture and its purpose. 

To keep it simple, there are three types of light that you would want in the gym, accent, ambient and decorative. Search for the fixtures according to these requirements, and you will never go wrong with the design.

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How To Design The Layout of LED Gym Lighting

By now, you should know the basics of LED lighting. From thereon, very little can go wrong, but this section will ensure that even those little details are perfect. So, let’s look at the technique to light the gym the right way.

Step 1: Measure The Area of the Gym

To estimate the lumens you need in a gym, you will have to measure the area in square feet. Once you know the total area, multiply it by 20 to get the total lumens required by your space. The number of required lumens will let you know the number of fixtures needed in a gym.

Step 2: Adequate Spacing

Adequate spacing between fixtures is vital to produce an evenly-lit atmosphere. Areas with ceiling heights between 15-18 feet should have fixtures at least 20 ft apart from each other. For spaces that have ceilings higher or equal to 30 feet, the fixtures should be 20 to 25 feet from each other. 

Step 3: Arrange The Light Appropriately

The distance mentioned above is a general rule which you can change based on the design you want to develop. For example, if you want one area to be a little brighter than the other, you can install fixtures at closer distances. The point is you should have a plan in mind before lighting a space.

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Lighting is important for the gym for reasons including, but not limited to, utility, aesthetics, safety, and reducing overhead charges of the gym.

The amount of lighting you need for the gym depends on the area. On average, the gym needs 20 lumens per square foot. You have to multiply the total square feet of the area by 20 to get the exact number of lumens you need for a gym.

On average, a gym needs 20 lumens per square foot. That said, this particular number is for the workout area and change for spaces like showers and locker rooms.

The ideal color temperature for a gym is about 4,000K-5,000K. You can go below that for areas like the dressing rooms, lockers, and shower rooms.

You can reduce the shadows on the gym floor by spacing the fixtures evenly. On average, about 20 feet of distance is good enough to reduce the shadows on the floor.

LED lights are durable but can sustain damage if a ball with a powerful impact hits them. That said, some fixtures, like Linear LED panels, have adequate protection that can sustain being hit by a ball.

You should use lights with warmer color temperatures in gym hallways with color temperatures that are under 3,000K.

You can switch a decent amount of energy bills by switching to LEDs. On average, LEDs consume about 75% more energy than incandescent bulbs. Furthermore, the major power consumers in fitness centers are the lights. Thus, you will save a lot of money by using LEDs.

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The benefit of lighting a gym goes beyond improving the utility. It plays a key part in improving aesthetics, developing an active vibe, and reducing operational costs. To achieve all that, you will need proper lighting solutions, and LEDs are the best option when it comes to that. That said, while using LEDs, several factors must be taken into account. We hope this article has helped you understand them. 

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